Showing 13–18 of 18 results

  • Improve Your Sleep Pouch


    This crystal pouch has been created to help you sleep. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Amethyst, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Hematite, Lapis & White Howlite. These crystals have been chosen because they can help stop nightmares, improve sleep, ease anxiety, create a calm atmosphere & help you relax. PLEASE NOTE: Hematite…

  • Menopause Support Pouch


    This crystal healing pouch has been created to help ease symptoms of the menopause. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Amethyst, Citrine, Dalmatian Jasper, Lapis, Moonstone & Rose Quartz. These crystals have been chosen because they can help you sleep, reduce hot flushes, calm the emotions, ease stress, balance hormones &…

  • Relax & Unwind Pouch


    This crystal healing pouch has been created to help you relax & unwind. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz & Snowflake Obsidian. These crystals have been chosen because they can help calm the emotions, ease stress, create a calm atmosphere, get rid…

  • Shoulder Support Pouch


    This crystal healing pouch has been created to help ease shoulder pain. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Angelite, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Mahogany Obsidian, Rose Quartz & Selenite. These crystals have been chosen because they can help reduce swelling, ease pain, ease tension, reduce inflammation & improve joint movement. PLEASE NOTE:…

  • Stress Support Pouch


    This crystal healing pouch has been made to help ease the symptoms of stress.. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Sodalite & White Howlite. These crystals have been chosen because they can help ease stress, ground your energy, stop negative thoughts, create a calm…

  • Toothache Support Pouch


    This crystal healing pouch has been created to help ease the pain of toothache. The pouch contains one of each of the following tumbles: Amethyst, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Green Aventurine, Lapis & Rose Quartz. These crystals have been chosen because they can help you sleep, get rid of toxins, calm your nerves, boost the immune…