Showing all 5 results

  • Amethyst Pendulum


    Pendulums can be used to help you talk to spirit, help find things & be carried in a hand bag, pocket or purse. Amethyst is a great crystal for protection. It can ease stress & strengthen the immune system. Amethyst can be used to give balance, clarity, meditation, peace, protection & spiritual communication spells a…

  • Clear Quartz Pendulum


    Pendulums can be used to help you talk to spirit, help find things & be carried in a hand bag, pocket or purse. Clear Quartz is known as a master healer. It can be used on its own or with any other crystal to give it a boost Clear Quartz can be used to give…

  • Hematite Pendulum


    Hematite is a great crystal to keep you grounded. It can help calm a busy mind & can balance your energy. Hematite can ease the symptoms of anxiety & depression. You can use the pendulum to give meditation, money & protection spells a boost.

  • Iolite Pendulum


    Iolite is often called water sapphire. It can help you keep calm when the world around you is hectic. Iolite gives you a push in the right direction when you are undecided which way to turn. It will give you a confidence boost. Iolite can be used to give meditation, money, healing & psychic awareness…

  • Labradorite Pendulum


    Labradorite can help heal your mind, body & spirit. It can calm an overactive mind, to help you think clearly Labradorite bring the best in you & eases negativity. You can use the pendulum to give grounding, healing, meditation & money spells a boost.